Leading manufacturer
of dermatology and
cosmetology laser systems.


Leading manufacturer of dermatology and cosmetology laser systems.


Our laser technology is characterized by great reliability and an interesting design

This laser type is the only one on the market

Ivan Ševčík – SIDL WORLD Company

the leading manufacturer of laser systems in the fields of dermatology and cosmetology, owner of the laser trademarks SPARIDONN®, MERLLIN®, and PALATINE®.

We have developed a professional laser system, LASER SPARIDONN®, and brought to market a device which is appropriate for use in the cosmetology and dermatology fields. Our laser technology is characterized by great reliability and an interesting design.

The last type of SPARIDONN® laser has a large digital display which informs the operator on installed applications and also how to correctly work the laser with the appropriately selected cosmetic line. A unique feature, and the main advantage of the SPARIDONN laser, is the fact that it has the D.I.S. function (Direct Information Service). This laser type is the only one on the market with this function which informs the operator on how to exactly and correctly proceed during each application and diagnosis.

What are the advantages?

The operator can learn directly from the display what to say to the customer regarding the chosen diagnosis, when to recommend a permanent admission card, what probe is best to work with, which setting on the laser, and how to appropriately set the frequency of emission. It will also contain information on how to precisely work with the laser, how and when collagen cures should be used, and there will also be a procedure for application on laser masks.

Therefore, the operator will have perfect access to information directly from the SPARIDONN® laser. The work is therefore eased up by studying the procedures and information from leaflets or materials. The laser will have advanced internal electronics, including laser optics of the pertinent probes and an improved control system of foil keyboards with a guarantee of one million presses.

As you surely know, the advantage of the laser is the monochromation, polarization, and, most importantly, coherence. During one single cosmetic treatment, a laser solves the four most important problems: Acne, wrinkles, pigment defects, and starting couperose – broken veins in the face. The laser is suitable for all types of complexion. It is important to know that bio-stimulation lasers, in combination with laser cosmetics, effectively solve complexion conditions. SIDL WORLD developed Collagen Palatine with its own patented recipe, which is designed for all types of complexion, especially for a feeble complexion, dehydrated, or suffering from a lack of energy.

If your question is what is the effect after the collagen treatment, the answer is simple.

Mainly, the complexion is hydrated, the treatment has a lifting effect, slows down aging, regenerates the complexion, improves elasticity, encourages creation of one’s own collagen, and, most importantly, this combination significantly smoothes out fine wrinkles. Lately, such treatments became very popular due to the immediately visible results. The customer can purchase the Collagen Palatine home and apply it regularly twice a day on a clean complexion. Always using the daily cream in the morning, and using the night cream at night. The combination of bio-stimulation laser and Palatine collagen brings one of the principal rejuvenation methods of the future, which are financially accessible for the end user.

SIDL WORLD is looking for business representation for sale the of laser.

We hope that you enjoyed yourself during this small presentation. Good day from Ivan Ševčík